afric-Invest is an initiative that aims to inspire more businesses to work in partnership with local african companies to grow markets and deliver enterprise. By challenging misconceptions and showing a full picture of Africa’s potential, afric-Invest will remove barriers to potential new investors, promote the continent as a leading investment destination and build an innovative partenership of business who have seen for themselves the opportunities and potential in Africa.
Good economic management can make a contribution to poverty reduction, but only widespread strategically placed business investments made in the spirit of partnerships with government and the private sector can create sufficient wealth for African nations to achieve their Millennium Development Goals.
Africa is home to nearly one-fifth of the world’s natural resources and more than half a billion people. As european commercial relations continue to grow with many African economies, an increasing number of companies are recognizing the opportunities on the continent for mutually beneficial business partnerships and investments. The key to unlocking these opportunities is to develop and identify financing for these projects and strong partnerships both regionally (in Africa) and locally. afric-Invest advises both African, and businesses and governments on how to identify, develop and leverage these opportunities by giving them an understanding of:
- What investors are looking for.
- How to identify, develop/structure and create value for their projects.
- How to identify investors and financing.
- How to structure partnerships with both African and German businesses and government.