Archives de catégorie : Offres et enquêtes

To the Administrator.

Mein Name ist Ahmet. Ich arbeite in einer türkischen Bank. Ich habe nach jemandem gesucht, der dieselbe Nationalität wie Sie hat. Ein Bürger Ihres Landes ist bei dem kürzlichen Erdbeben in der Türkei gestorben; er hatte ein Festgeldkonto über 11,5 Millionen Dollar bei unserer Bank.

Das Management meiner Bank weiß noch nicht von seinem Tod. Wenn mein Bankexecutiv von seinem Tod erfährt, würden sie die Mittel für sich selbst nutzen und reicher werden. Ich möchte verhindern, dass dies passiert, aber nur mit Ihrer Kooperation. Ich habe davon erfahren, weil ich sein Kontomanager war. Letzte Woche hielt mein Bankmanagement ein Meeting ab, um eine Bankprüfung durchzuführen und inaktive und aufgegebene Konten zu erfassen. Ich wusste, dass dies passieren würde, und deshalb suche ich nach einer Lösung, um mit dieser Situation umzugehen, denn wenn meine Bank seinen Tod entdeckt, werden die Mittel an den Vorstand weitergeleitet. Das möchte ich verhindern.

Ich bitte um Ihre Zusammenarbeit, um Sie als Verwandten/Erben des Kontos auszugeben, da Sie dieselbe Nationalität wie er haben. Es gibt kein Risiko; die Transaktion erfolgt unter einem rechtlichen Vertrag, der Sie vor Missbrauch schützt. Ich schlage vor, die Mittel im Verhältnis 60/40 aufzuteilen, wobei 40 für mich bestimmt sind. Ich benötige diese Mittel für die Operation meiner Tochter, daher bitte ich Sie, diese Information vertraulich zu behandeln. Kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail, damit ich Ihnen weitere Informationen geben kann:

Christine Laurens


Live-Your Own AI Hypermedia Streaming Platform Is Here


The first time I heard of Sonic, I thought it was just one of those streaming platforms out there…

As I write this, I am still in shock of how much I can do with this hypermedia streaming App.

Introducing Sonic Hypermedia Streaming App created by my friend Seyi:

AI app that can allow you to build a “music, podcast, & live radio” hypermedia streaming platform that lets you stream over 100 million songs, playlists, genre

With Preloaded thousands of users who are ready to pay you to stream their favorite music.

The fact that you aren’t going to struggle to get users is unbelievable yet true.

No marketing from your end…

No Work or any form of tech experience needed

Experience the world of music and get paid for doing so.

Just Sit Back And let Sonic get to work.

And your wallet gets filled with users’ streaming fees.

My friend Seyi is handing all the powers to you, you aren’t even going to pay Royalty fees.

Here are my favorite things I need to share with you about Sonic:

Sonic Leverages a library of over 600 Million paying listeners, so scrap that marketing idea, you are covered
Sonic Gets you covered with Hypermedia IOS and Android Mobile Apps in a click exposing you to more listeners globally
Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and others have nothing on you…

And so much more.

Well, I thought maybe the sweet offer stops there…

But, Seyi prepared Bonuses Worth over 16k USD for early users.

Yes, as an early user, that’s what I am getting right away.

Become an early user of Sonic and enjoy Bonuses Worth 16k plus right away:

The price of Sonic will shock you, a low one-time offer!

Well, it ends in 4 hours though, so you really need to hurry.

This is me wishing you the best.

Mark Gordon

P.S. There is nothing like Sonic anywhere that does it all 100% so don’t miss it. You have a chance to enjoy music and get paid right now.

Address: 446 Glen Falls Road
Bensalem, PA 19020

Mark Gordon


Lpwarpxl j

Hey there

I wanted to reach out and let you know about our new dog harness. It’s really easy to put on and take off – in just 2 seconds – and it’s personalized for each dog.
Plus, we offer a lifetime warranty so you can be sure your pet is always safe and stylish.

We’ve had a lot of success with it so far and I think your dog would love it.

Get yours today with 50% OFF:






Earn more dollars: transform your website ( or any ideas) into Android/iOS App

Exciting news! The wait is finally over – OpenApp AI is now LIVE
The first-ever AI-powered, no-coding ‘Android & iOS’ mobile app builder.
Game-changing technology allows you to transform any your ideas, keywords, website URL, blogs, pages, and e-commerce stores into stunning Real Android & iOS mobile apps in less than 60 seconds!

===>Access OpenApp AI + All Bonus (Early Bird Launch Discount):

Generate highly advanced Mobile apps and upload them on different app stores Like Google-Play & Apple App Store…
… To easily make huge profits weekly, monthly and annually on complete autopilot…

Here’s why OpenApp AI is a game-changer:
Create Unlimited Android & IOS Mobile Apps Using Al
Transform Any Website Url, Keywords, Blogs, Pages & Ecom Store into A Fully Functional Stunning Mobile Apps
Built-in 1500+ Professional Templates: Create Personal Or Business Mobile Apps For Any Niche Using Al
Publish Your App on Google-Play and Apple store In Less Than 60 Seconds
Payment Integration, accept payments in your app through Payment Gateways
Send Push Notifications To Your App Users And Get Up To 98% Open Rate.
Send Unlimited Emails & SMS Directly To Your Users
Add Unlimited Custom Domains & Subdomains Without Any Restrictions.
Built-In Interactive elementsa to add Coupon, Loyalty Program, Appointment and event booking,
Convert existing website URL into Android/iOS App
Generate native android and iOS apps
Built-in App Monetization
Lifetime Access With No Recurring Monthly Payments

Ready to take the leap into the future of app development? Try OpenApp AI today and experience the simplicity of turning your dreams into reality.

==> Watch OpenApp AI Demo In Action:

Don’t let coding complexities hold you back. Join the ranks of successful app creators with OpenApp AI.

Oops, did I forget to mention…
You’re also getting exclusive bonuses worth $…. that will make this deal an unforgettable affair.

But these are available for a very limited time.
So, don’t you dare miss out on this.

===>Access OpenApp AI + All Bonus (Early Bird Launch Discount):

Best regards,
Larry Charles

Address: 4092 Flanigan Oaks Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20904

Larry Charles


Hello Owner!

Dear owner or manager,

Cut your business or personal credit cards and loan payments in half. eliminate interest and reduce your debt by 50%. 100% guaranteed. The average customer saves $56,228 in unnecessary interest plus principal and 15 years in payoff time through our consolidation loan and debt consolidation programs.

Contact us at or email me at I look forward to hearing from you,


Yvette Hinton
